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Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are used to provide structure and support; Support where volume has been lost (rejuvenation) and structure where proportions are suboptimal or where facial contours are inadequate (beautification).

What dermal fillers offer in terms of rejuvenation, is a minimally invasive way of restoring lost volume and support to facial tissues with little downtime.

The Ageing Process

The facial tissues all undergo changes with advancing years. These changes not only include the skin, but extend deeper to include the facial ligaments, muscles, fat compartments and skeleton. The rate and type of change varies from person to person, depending on your unique genetic signature, skincare regimes and environmental factors.


One of the main contributing factors to the appearance of the aged face, is loss of volume. This is brought about by the loss of fat deep within the face. Once the deep fat compartments loose volume, the superficial layers, under the influence of gravity, start to move downwards. This gives rise to the classic signs of ageing (the negative lines)


Everybody deserves to feel beautiful. When the signs of ageing have been addressed or, if minimal signs of ageing are present, dermal fillers offer you the chance of beautifications.


By using anatomical knowledge, injector skills and mathematics, all areas on the face may be enhanced. The common treatment areas include:

  • Browlift

  • Lips

  • Cheeks

  • Chin

  • Jaw and Jawline

Frequently Asked Questions

What are HA fillers?

What can HA fillers be used for?

What can I expect during the procedure?

How long do HA Fillers last?

What are the side-effects or complications?

There are many types of dermal fillers. By far the most often used type of dermal filler, is the Hyaluronic acid (HA) filler.


HA is a sugar molecule found naturally in your body with the highest concentration to be found within your skin. Here, HA serves to provide support. HA also possesses a huge ability to attract water, 100-times its own volume.


With advancing years, your production of HA slowly declines, while your breakdown of HA speeds up. This leads to a decrease in you HA levels with the consequence of decrease volume and support within your skin. HA Fillers are thus the ideal product to use for volume restoration, rejuvenation and beautification.

Two words: Beautification and Rejuvenation. By strategically placing HA fillers in the facial tissues, HA fillers offer the ability to restore lost volume, provide support where it is lacking and enhance facial features.

After a repeat clinical assessment, complete review of the treatment areas and clinical photographs, and review of the pre-procedure checks, local anaesthetic cream or injection will be made to aid with discomfort. The whole face will be cleaned and disinfected.


Sterile HA filler will then be placed, either with a small needle or cannula, depending on the desired correction required and the blood supply of the treatment area. The area treated will then be massaged to match the desired treatment outcome, post-procedure photographs will be taken, and recovery cream will be applied.

The duration of HA fillers depends on several factors. Some of these factors include: the type of filler used, the treated area and the injection depth and technique. HA Fillers used for superficial treatment last between 6-12months, whereas HA fillers used for deep volume restoration last 9-24months.

Whenever a needle punctures the skin, there exists the possibility of discomfort, pain, infection, bruising and/or bleeding and swelling. The discomfort is minimized by the local anaesthetic administered pre-procedure and infection risk is ameliorated with proper sterile technique. Bleeding/Bruising risk is decreased by following the advised pre- and post-procedure care.

The most feared complication is occlusion of blood supply. This can occur if the HA filler is injected into or too close to blood vessel. The consequence of blood vessel occlusion could lead to skin death/necrosis or even blindness. Proper injection technique and knowledge is of paramount importance to avoid this complication.


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