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Chemical Peels

With a chemical peel, a chemical (caustic) agent is applied to the skin. That agent causes a controlled injury to the skin and importantly, to a specific depth. After the “injury”, the skin heals itself, leaving you with rejuvenated, more vibrant skin. The injury also stimulates collagen production which aids in the rejuvenation.

Different Peeling 

There are a couple of factors to consider here. The first being the skin concern that needs treatment.

It is absolutely crucial to do a thorough examination before undertaking a chemical peel. This is because some skin concerns are located superficially and other concerns are located deeper. The chemical agent used, penetrates to different depth into the skin. If your skin concern is superficial, a chemical agent will only need to penetrate superficially. The same goes for concerns that are located deeper. This also explains why chemical peels are classified into the depth of their penetration into very superficial, superficial, medium and deep.


The second factor which is used, is patient-related. Rule of thumb is that the higher/darker your skintype, the more your risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and more care should be taken when tailoring your chemical peel.


I also assess your motivation and adherence. You must be able to commit to the pre-peel and post-peel instructions. The pre-peel treatment is usually used for unifying the thickness of your skin or addressing pigment issues, whereas the post-peel regime consists of sunscreen and moisture.


The third factor to consider, is downtime. The deeper the peel, the longer the downtime and the higher the risk of complications. That being said, in general, the deeper the peel, the more dramatic the end results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a suitable candidate for a Chemical Peel?

If your main goal is healthy skin, then absolutely YES! Indications for a chemical peel include:


  • Photo damage and pigmentation.

  • Anti-ageing and rejuvenation

  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Improve skin tone and texture.

  • Lighter, brighter skin.

  • Open pores.

  • Acne and acne scarring.

  • Stimulating cell renewal.

  • Renewal of the skin’s structure, e.g. collagen and elastin.


Most people will be able to receive a very superficial, or superficial peel. In my practice, I use products that offer minimal downtime (max 24hr redness) and are suitable for all skin types. On that note, not all chemical peels result in visible skin flaking!

What are the dangers?

Which chemical peels do RP Aesthetics offer?

Chemical peels are not without risk. Some of the complications include skin colour changes  and pigmentation issues, infections, scars, demarcation lines and allergic reactions and persistent redness.


Again, this is why it is so important to receive a proper pre-procedure assessment, follow the pre & post-procedure.

Dr. Dirk makes use of three FILLMED® chemical peels. These peels are:

  • the Light Peel,

  • the Bright Peel and

  • the Time Peel.


All three chemical peels are formulated for all skin types, including dry, normal oily, combination and sensitive. In addition, all three chemical peels may be used for all Fitzpatrick skin types.

For more information on these peels, click here.

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